October 22

Implied Triangles

Title: Implied Triangles

Exercise: This exercise was focused on creating compositions with implied triangles. Firstly, create still lives that feature implied triangles, one with the apex near the bottom of the frame and one with it near to the top. Then arrange people in a group picture in such a way that their faces or bodies form a triangle.

Approach: I was tidying my desk and came across the tube of pencils. I had worked with them before for other photos and started arranging them in a shape that suggested a triangle. I also experimented with a number of different backgrounds but settled on this more neutral colour. In terms of the inverted triangle I felt a bit lost for a while and then read the exercise on real triangles which suggested using perspective. Suddenly the edges of tables, worktops and books all formed triangles. I then used the books I was reading to create the image. The final arrangement was a shot I took at Graeae’s performance of the Garden in September; it made me think of triangles at the time.

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Posted October 22, 2012 by Dawn Langley in category "AoP Exercises