October 27

Positioning a Point

The Heron

This felt quite like some of the exercises in the previous section and I’m afraid I have to confess I wasn’t very enthusiastic about it. I had decided on what I thought would be a suitable subject but when I got the lake the red lifesaver was no longer on the water. As I was about to leave the Heron arrived so I used that instead. To a certain extent I got the point of the exercise but I wasn’t overly happy with any of the images. The nature of the light and the colours around the Heron seemed to me to make it quite a flat and dull image. I also think I should have got closer to the bird to really make it the main point of focus. I’m not sure I have a preference for any of the points and should probably have re-shot the exercise using a stronger focal point. I have included the shots because it was a useful piece of learning and it seems to me that there is often as much to learn from getting it wrong as there is from getting it spot on first time.


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